Deceptively Delicious

by Jessica Seinfeld

In Deceptively Delicious first-time author Jessica Seinfeld offers up an easy and fun way to steer your children towards healthy eating habits. As the wife of super celebrity Jerry Seinfeld she could so easily just leave the feeding of her 3 kids to the hired help but she’s obviously a dedicated mom who cares about good nutrition and like many of us struggles to get her kids to eat their veggies.

When you are invited to share your recipes with Oprah on television you know either you are really onto something hot, or you’re really famous. In this case both would be right. Seinfeld’s deception is really quite simple, get some super fresh vegetables (cauliflower, beets, sweet potato, broccoli, squash, spinach) and either steam them or roast them till cooked then puree them in the cuisinart. Freeze each puree into serving sizes so you have them on hand. Then, simply slip the puree into a variety of healthful, family-friendly recipes such as Macaroni & Cheese (with Butternut Squash or Cauliflower); Chicken Nuggets (with Broccoli, Spinach, Sweet Potato or Beet); Brownies (with Carrots and Spinach), Chocolate Cake (with Beets). There’s bound to be a couple of these you can fool finicky junior with.

Deceptively Delicious was developed with the help of both a nutritionist and Seinfeld’s personal chef and each of the months worth of recipes in this practical, easy to use book is a cinch to prepare. Seinfeld also takes the opportunity to educate readers on the benefits of healthy eating and good sound suggestions of what makes a well balanced diet.

BUY IT HERE at super discount  »

Posted by Food Junkie on October 2, 2007
Categories - Families & Kid's, Healthy Cooking, Diet

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Michelle February 24, 2008 at 1:20 pm

Not sure where these recipes or the idea originally came from—but the concept does work! Cheers, Michelle.


Sheila February 29, 2008 at 11:07 am

I tried the sweet potato puree and use it all the time with my unsuspecting 6 year old in her macaroni, grilled cheese, soup – anything. Next up is the cauliflower puree.


Carla November 5, 2008 at 5:43 pm

I have had great success with most all of these! My family loves the meatloaf, potato soup, lasagna, beef stew, sloppy joes, chili, grill cheese and more!…we have food allergies so I have to alter ingredients such as milk and eggs. And watch the sodium i.e. hidden msg. I wish to see more new ones though with more green veggies. Not just sweets! 🙂


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