How to Cook Everything Completely Revised 10th Anniversary Edition

2,000 Simple Recipes for Great Food
by Mark Bittman

as 10 years really gone by since Mark Bittman published his groundbreaking tome, How to Cook Everything? Judging by the state of the yellow dust jacket on my copy I can believe it. Do I really need this 10th anniversary edition? I’ve grown quite attached to my yellow book and am reluctant to believe it can be improved upon. Well good news, Mark Bittman has indeed improved and expanded an already top-notch cookbook. Now I can declare with even greater confidence, “If you only want one cookbook, then buy this one.”

How to Cook Everything has earned its recognition as a classic. It really is the best all-purpose cookbook for today’s new and beginner cooks. Even accomplished cooks will admit to referring to the tips, techniques and countless recipes on a most regular basis. The high praise on the dust jacket includes the names of such noted celebrity chefs as Mario Batali, Bobby Flay, Jean-George Vongerichten and Mollie Katzen.

This 10 edition is much more than just a polishing and re-jacketing. The changes are extensive. Mark Bittman has gone through every recipe and removed, updated and added where he felt it was needed. There are hundreds of new dishes. Here’s a great new feature; each chapter opens with a section of “Essential Recipes”, which are the building block recipes that every cook needs in their repertoire. This new edition reflects a growing interest in cooking with more whole grains, beans and vegetarian dishes, he even tags his vegetarian dishes for easy reference.  Still here, and further expanded are his handy illustrations of the more complex techniques. As always the recipes are uncomplicated, unfussy and most can be prepared in under 30 minutes. He offers his great tips and suggestions for substituting ingredients, improvising and variations on a dish. There are also the classic, need to know dishes such as roasting Turkey and Beef that make this the book to go to for entertaining too. His charts such as “7 Vegetables and Stuffings to Match” also add the the already useful and flexible nature of this cookbook. Yes, I think Red is the new Yellow on my bookshelf. And, thank you Mark for including a much needed recipe for spaetzle in your new edition!

BUY IT HERE at super discount  »

Posted by Food Junkie on December 2, 2008
Categories - All Purpose, General, Our Favorite Cookbooks

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Tianne August 3, 2009 at 3:38 am

how do you think it compares to joy of cooking? if you were to pick one which would u buy? thanks!


Food Junkie August 4, 2009 at 3:39 am

Hi, I have both books. I tend to use How to Cook Everything more often, particularily to look up specific recipes or ideas for ingredients on hand. I use my Joy more out of nostalgia, when I want to cook something more old-fashioned that mom used to make (it is my grandmothers old copy after all). If you can afford to buy both do so, but if you want just one pick How to Cook – it is indespensible as a collection of recipes and how to info.


Allen September 15, 2009 at 3:39 am

I too have an old worn out version of this book. I can’t stop using it and until now have found it hard to get rid of. But now, thanks to your site, I just put in an order for a brand new copy. Great review.


Food Junkie September 16, 2009 at 3:40 am

hi Allen,
Hope you enjoy your new edition, I do!


Morris November 16, 2009 at 3:46 am

Does it really have things that Joy doesn’t? The detail and completeness of Joy can not be beat, can it? I made marizipan – or at least thought about it – the other day from Joy. And pickled carrots! Give me a real reason or recipe example to switch, please.


chad August 5, 2010 at 3:46 am

I agree it is a great book for beginners with all the simple tips and tricks to get you going, it is also accompanied by a vegetarian cook book which i would also recommend. I can also recommend this book too if your aim is to get healthy from the inside. The book focuses on alkaline foods to balance your ph and boost your system. Who doesn’t want that? Just follow the link 🙂


amanda4973 January 30, 2011 at 3:47 am

I agree that it can be hard to choose between How to Cook Everything and Joy of Cooking.

My impression from preliminary research is that How to Cook Everything is good for beginners, but unsatisfactory for experienced cooks. Those with more experience may prefer Joy of Cooking, or The Way to Cook by Julia Child, or The Best Recipe by Cook’s Illustrated. Those who prefer truly gourmet food may need The New York Times Cookbook by Craig Claiborne.


Food Junkie May 3, 2011 at 3:47 am

The New Way to Cook by Sally Schneider is another good all purpose cookbook for those how are beyond beginner and want to try new flavors/techniques and expand their skill set. I absolutely love Julia’s little gem; Julia’s Wisdom, all her need to know recipes and techniques together. Probably refer to it more than any other books


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